Ovens for

Drying and Baking

Used in the electro-mechanical industries for the polymerization of impregnated resins.

They can run on gas fuels or electrical energy.

Technical features

  • modular construction consisting of a painted steel structure, covered internally with galvanized sheet placed over insulating material;

  • thermal group consisting of electrical resistors or burner, and high efficiency recirculation fan;

  • control of the thermal group by means of a temperature controller connected to a temperature probe installed on the wall of the kiln;

  • trolley for the loading of the parts.

  • electrical control panel to operate the process and able to guarantee a remote connection for technical assistance, suitable for Industry 4.0

Also of interest

Complimentary products


Pyrolitic kilns with after burner chamber

Heat recovery systems

Heat recovery systems from hot flue gas and flue gas/air exchangers


Treat air polluted with solvents or volatile organic substances