Tecnecoforni, brand of Tecflam Srl

Established to develop plant applications of the thermal combustion units produced by the related company TECFLAM srl, it has recently been absorbed by the same while maintaining its own brand name.

With a solid experience of more than 20 years in the market, we have earned the trust of our customers thanks to our quality, innovation and commitment to excellence.

The company’s commitment and flexibility have enabled us to respond precisely to our customers’ needs with quality and reliable products, enabling us over the years to welcome numerous successes in Italy and abroad, placing us at the forefront of our industry.

We manufacture highly technological and precise tailor made machines

  • Burn off ovens with controlled combustion for the thermal cleaning of metal components having residual organic material such as paint, plastic, rubber, resin etc.

  • Ovens for drying, treatment and baking, both in gas and electric versions.

  • Heat recovery systems, for high energy savings, able to reduce fuel consumption

  • Thermal after burner units, with heat recovery and in cooperation with qualified partners, also the regenerative and catalytic type

  • Hot air generators for industrial processes (aggregates, ceramic, bricks, food, cereals industries etc.), both of the direct and indirect type, using liquid and gas fuels

  • Thermal units for ovens and dryers, special burners using hot air etc.

  • Treatment ovens for high temperatures

  • Organic waste incinerator furnaces (solid and liquid slaughter waste) of static and rotary type

Our history

Our story starts in 1999, as sister company to Tecflam We start off immediately with baking and drying ovens, hot air generators and thermal machines for various industrial applications.

From 2018 Tecnecoforni Srl and Tecflam Srl become one entity and Tecnecoforni becomes a brand of Tecflam Srl.

Why Choose Us

  • Flexibility for designing customized plants according to customer needs.

  • Superior Quality: We use only high-quality components and adopt strict quality control standards to ensure reliable and durable performance.

  • Technical service/post-sales department: Customer satisfaction is at the core of everything we do. We are always ready to listen and reply to your questions and needs.


Quality and certification makes us stand out

  • ISO 9001 – No. Certificate 50 100 10767

  • ISO 14001 – Nr. Certificate 50 100 17313